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White Rose Wellness

Gemstone Alien - Green Aventurine

Gemstone Alien - Green Aventurine

Discover the Gemstone Alien - Green Aventurine, a captivating figurine that embodies the vibrant and nurturing energies of the powerful gemstone. This alien-inspired piece offers a unique and intriguing representation of cosmic presence.

Imagine the energy of this ancient gemstone combined with the mystique of an extra-terrestrial being. The Gemstone Alien - Green Aventurine is a perfect blend of the natural and the supernatural. It's a versatile piece that can be used for personal use, meditation, or simply as a decorative centerpiece.

Whether gemstone enthusiast, collector, or someone seeking positive energy and growth, the Gemstone Alien - Green Aventurine is a captivating choice. Its dimensions of 40mm x 30mm x 15mm make it a convenient and versatile addition to any space.

Regular price £7.21
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