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White Rose Wellness

Chakra Singing Bowl - Solar Plexus

Chakra Singing Bowl - Solar Plexus

Solar Plexus Chakra located in the area above the navel area. Its function is willpower. Its inner state is laughter, joy, anger. Its colour is yellow and its planets are Mars and the Sun. 

Its stones are Amber, Topaz, Citrine. Meditation on I do.

Balancing this chakra is associated with calming emotions and frustration, easing tension and helping to better utilize intuition energy, easing tension and helping to better utilize intuition.

Energies: Fire, Energizing, Charging, Lends Energy.

Singing bowls are really a type of bell, the sides and rim of singing bowls vibrate to produce sound. Slightly tricky to master, but with time you will be enchanted. 

Regular price £26.44
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